Managing your weight can be easier than you think

    At any time, as many as half of all Americans are on a diet. (And millions of others think they should be.) Those who manage to lose weight often struggle to keep it off. In an effort to help you maintain a healthy weight, here are some of the most common questions asked of nutrition and weight management experts.
    Read more about weight management >

Get your five daily servings of fruits and vegetables

Nutritional experts recommend that you eat a minimum of five servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Scientific studies suggest that eating plenty of fruits and vegetables helps to prevent some cancers, heart disease and stroke, the diseases that kill most Americans.
Read more about healthy diets >

How you can eat smart when dining out

Most restaurants are happy to modify their dishes by changing the cooking method, leaving out an ingredient or serving part of the dish, such as the gravy or dressing, on the side so you can control the amount you eat. For the average health-conscious person, there's something for everyone on almost every restaurant menu. Keep these eating-out tips in mind to avoid the major pitfalls of restaurant food.
Read more about eating smart when dining out >

10 ways to make your recipes healthier

When you cook for yourself and your family, you control what goes into the recipe. You can make many of your favorite recipes lower in fat and calories and higher in fiber by simply swapping out some of the ingredients. Try these 10 simple substitutions to make your meals healthier.
Read more about making your recipes healthier >